Meet The Father Of A Vaccine Damaged Child ?


Aug 4, 2013

Washington State Patrol officer who resigned when he refused the state's vaccine mandate and signed off for the final time by telling Gov. Jay Inslee to 'kiss my a-' dies from COVID-19 age 51​


Dec 27, 2011

Washington State Patrol officer who resigned when he refused the state's vaccine mandate and signed off for the final time by telling Gov. Jay Inslee to 'kiss my a-' dies from COVID-19 age 51​

so what's your point you fucking faggot ?

In Florida hundreds or thousands of people treated Covid EARLY and lived ,
including the vaxxed..

if he had different timing and lived in Florida before the government stifled Floridas supply
to early treatment medications , he would be alive most likely.

anyway it was his choice ! .. like a guy that I know about that died hangliding ..
he calculated the risks and decided it was worth the risk

are you now going to make up a story like knights fin saying that his next of kin
was bad mouthing him to you , like knightfin. tried to poison the thread with ..

"oh his children told me they are not impressed with his stand against the vaccine"

"if only he had gotten the vaccine" ..

fucking pussy why not go gloat about this too all the truckers that are against this mandate
also see how that works out for you

your an elitist pussy it aint hard to tell .. ive made it up to the ranks that my colleagues
are people that were not were I started .. is I can spot you elitist liberals from a mile away

thing is nowadays 99.9 shut your fucking mouth around people like me in public ..

you bring it to the internet ..

you liberals that gloat about shit like this have never taken a stand for something
worthwhile in your fucking life .. you have no idea what his motivation was

but to gloat about your a piece of shit , and fuck you cash money for liking that
pussy shit Biggs posted

Dec 27, 2011
your reply to a story ( infowars link so wouldn't argue thats a rock solid source but thats not what you were replying about ). .. your reply to a damaged Childs father that was forced into a vaxx and
was fighting om his behalf ..

is to post about a police officer dying only because he told the DA , kiss my ass ?

words are worse than a fathers pain for his damaged child huh

typically liberal pussy , you would never ever say that shit in person

unlike me , who has the power AND the audacity to walk up to you and say
every single insult I say here and you will not be able too, not have the balls
to do a fucking thing about it

I know your type .. been seeing them

Jun 4, 2018

Washington State Patrol officer who resigned when he refused the state's vaccine mandate and signed off for the final time by telling Gov. Jay Inslee to 'kiss my a-' dies from COVID-19 age 51​

I know it's gonna be hard for you two
@ca$hmoney & @Biggins but please try to show a little class o.k boys ?

Sep 24, 2005
Everyone can make their own decisions, however, if you choose to disregard Science, then you must deal with the ramifications. I feel for the guy who lost his life. It’s unfortunate. But people like him and people like you who spread ‘fake news’ are the problem. Make your own decision and shut the fuck up.

Jun 4, 2018
Everyone can make their own decisions, however, if you choose to disregard Science, then you must deal with the ramifications. I feel for the guy who lost his life. It’s unfortunate. But people like him and people like you who spread ‘fake news’ are the problem. Make your own decision and shut the fuck up.
this isn't about your health .... it's about CONTROL .
Fauci & Company are NOT to be trusted , follow the science LOL ..

More like ....Do what we tell u to do & shut the fuck up , Do Not question us whatsoever or else .

The Great Govenor of California
Feb 21, 2001
Everyone can make their own decisions, however, if you choose to disregard Science, then you must deal with the ramifications. I feel for the guy who lost his life. It’s unfortunate. But people like him and people like you who spread ‘fake news’ are the problem. Make your own decision and shut the fuck up.
the vaccine isnt science, it is a bio weapon just like covid. "science" is in the bible, God gave us an immune system. an example of science would be ivermectin which won a noble peace prize, what science is not is a vaccine that hasnt stopped anybody from getting the kung flu, hasnt stopped spreading of the kung flu, and no evidence of stopping death of the kung flu. "science" and :"racism" are words that liberal sheep use when they hate real facts. But you are the racists, you murder so many black babies in the womb.

Nov 7, 2008
Everyone can make their own decisions, however, if you choose to disregard Science, then you must deal with the ramifications. I feel for the guy who lost his life. It’s unfortunate. But people like him and people like you who spread ‘fake news’ are the problem. Make your own decision and shut the fuck up.
If it’s about “science” name one ingredient in the vaccine and how it’s beneficial to ones health

Apr 2, 2020
Barnum was right, but he underestimated.

There's FAR more than one born each minute! :D

Sep 21, 2004

Sep 21, 2004
your reply to a story ( infowars link so wouldn't argue thats a rock solid source but thats not what you were replying about ). .. your reply to a damaged Childs father that was forced into a vaxx and
was fighting om his behalf ..

is to post about a police officer dying only because he told the DA , kiss my ass ?

words are worse than a fathers pain for his damaged child huh

typically liberal pussy , you would never ever say that shit in person

unlike me , who has the power AND the audacity to walk up to you and say
every single insult I say here and you will not be able too, not have the balls
to do a fucking thing about it

I know your type .. been seeing them
I think that's what he's responding to RW's highly suspect and questionable source of info wars. So he countered with that link.

my clock is stuck on 420 time to hit this bong
Sep 21, 2004
Everyone can make their own decisions, however, if you choose to disregard Science, then you must deal with the ramifications. I feel for the guy who lost his life. It’s unfortunate. But people like him and people like you who spread ‘fake news’ are the problem. Make your own decision and shut the fuck up.
Can you enlighten us on how science is being used here other then a talking point to get someone to be quiet. If science was used correctly during the heliocentric theory and death wasn’t an option for the possibility that the earth wasn’t flat then I would say you have something.
yelling and screaming obviously gets us no where but at what point are we going to agree that electing officials to tell us how to live is not science. If a war breaks out are we going to make sure everyone wears a mask and social distances . Is there a quarantine for soldiers who test positive. Let’s keep this in perspective .

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